WeScratch are free online workshops for educators and everyone who wants to learn how to create projects with Scratch in an inclusive, collaborative, and playful social environment. People join from all over the world as we support multiple languages.

WeScratch is an experiment! We are tinkering with the tools and the format of the workshops, and we love feedback and ideas from participants who play with us!

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What does a session look like?

Every session takes about 90 minutes and follows a "Imagine, Create, Share” structure:

  • Imagine (15 minutes)

    We start with a quick live demonstration of things you can make with Scratch, to show possibilities and spark imagination

  • Create (50 minutes)

    Then, participants move to breakout rooms to work on their Scratch projects, individually or collaboratively. In breakout rooms they can share screens and video-chat with a facilitator and other participants

  • Share (25 minutes)

    Finally, all participants get back together to see each other's projects, reflect, and celebrate

What are the WeScratch themes or activities?

We have organized WeScratch worskhops in series of 6 or 7 sessions. Every session is independent and self-contained, so participant can join any session they like. Here are some examples of activity prompts and projects made by participants:

  • Animate a name - Animate the letters of your name, initials, or favorite word
  • Create a story - Choose characters, add conversation, and bring your story to life
  • Imagine a World - Imagine a world where anything is possible
  • Share the Love - Make a project for someone you care about
  • Sprite Art - Create colorful drawings or mesmerizing animations using sprites
  • Interview Anything - Try interviewing something, like a piece of play-doh, a penny, a plant, a pet, or even a person!
  • Celebrate! - Create a project to celebrate in your own way

You can find resources and more activities in the Scratch Ideas page and in the Scratch Month activities page.

Where are WeScratch workshop hosted?

WeScratch workshops can be hosted on any video confercing platform like Zoom, Google Meet, Jitsi, Teams and others. For our early experiments we used Unhangout, an experimental open source online platform for running participant-driven online learning events. Now we are experimenting with Zoom. It's very helpful to have breakout rooms and multiple screen sharing.

How did you design WeScratch?

We designed WeScratch as an example of an inclusive, collaborative and playful creative learning online environment. You can learn more about our design choices and facilitation strategies in this paper.

When are the next workshops happening?

We don't know yet! Sign up to receive email updates.

Who contributes to WeScratch workshops?

WeScratch workshops are organized by members of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group, including Carmelo Presicce, Rupal Jain, Carolina Rodeghiero, Lily Gabaree, Natalie Rusk, Abdulrahman Y. idlbi, and are facilitated by many volunteers from all over the world including Angela DeHart, Angela Lombardo, Augusto Chioccariello, Ayushi Sharma, Beatrice Rapaccini, Coach Newton Antoniuk, Carla Bertuzzi, Eduardo Bento Pereira, Elaine Rocha, Francisco Jurado, Jenny Fisher, João Adriano Freitas, Gülsün Akgün, Linford Molaodi, Luiz Felipe Lamarca, Lula Garcia, Madhumitha Cherukuri, Maitreyi Bhatnagar, Mathieu Penot, Merve Cerit, Mohona Bose, Shelly Sharp, Silvia Signora, Sofia Mariani, Veronica Belinda Estrada, and many others!